Customized Massage Therapy treatments
Treatments focus to eliminate muscular pain and improve range of motion and flexibility - tailored to your needs so you can feel better and move easier.
Your treatment begins with an assessment of your muscle tissue to locate target areas of muscle tension, circulation abnormalities, muscle weaknesses and postural imbalances.
Your massage therapy treatment will include a variety of advanced techniques that are highly effective.
Techniques can include: Neuromuscular therapy, Myofascial release, Deep tissue, Trigger Point Therapy, PNF/ MET, Sports massage and Thai/ yoga massage.
Your treatment also includes various additional therapy options to ensure your session is effective.
Aromatherapy choose between a few natural pain relief blends to help calm your nervous system, soothe your muscle tissue and reduce inflammation.
Cupping Therapy may be added to your treatment to assist in relieving tense muscle tissue and improving circulation.
Heat therapy (hot stones/ heat pack) may be added to your treatment to assist in relieving tense muscle tissue.
Cold therapy (cold stones/ cold pack) may be added to your treatment to assist in relieving swelling/ inflammation from an injury site.
Eye pillow maybe added to relieve eye strain and headaches.
Body cushion support system (specially designed cushion supports your body while you lay face down, face up or on your side) may be added to your treatment to provide additional comfort.