Workstation Organization
Whether you are a minimalist or prefer to have a bit more clutter, your desk is your dashboard. suggests organizing your desk so that the things you use all the time are comfortably within reach, and resources you use less often are easy to find. Experts recommend that you divide your desk into reach zones, arranging items according to how accessible they need to be during the course of your work day.
Workstation Reach Zones
The primary zone is where you can easily reach just by moving your forearms horizontally, with your elbows remaining comfortably near your sides. *This area is normally dedicated to your keyboard and mouse. Nothing else should be in this zone unless you use it as much as your mouse and keyboard.
The second zone is reachable by extending your arms but without leaning or bending at the waist. *This is a good area for things you use frequently such as reference books, notebooks you refer to often.
The third zone is reachable by extending the arms and bending or leaning at the waist. Although you can reach this zone without standing up, it’s not comfortable to do so frequently. *This is a good area for things that you use just occasionally.
If your work area extends beyond this zone (for example, vertical shelving above your desk) it should be used for storage only.
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